
Reading Skills for EAP and IELTS (СПбПУ)

30 марта 10:00

Уважаемые коллеги!
30 марта 2017 года мы рады пригласить Вас на встречу с известным специалистом в области международных экзаменов, автором учебных пособий Ready for IELTS, Direct to IELTS, Tips for IELTS.
Встреча посвящена практическим советам  подготовки к международному экзамену IELTS в области академического чтения.


Sam McCarter's teaching career spans a period of more than 30 years, starting in Sierra Leone in West Africa as a volunteer. He has taught a wide range of subjects covering IELTS, Latin, basic literacy, academic English and ESP, specializing in teaching English for Medical Purposes (EMP) and English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) in the medical field.
Sam is the author of a number of textbooks for IELTS published by Macmillan and IntelliGene. He has also edited glossaries for CD-ROMs on tropical medicine and worked for a range of organizations in the medical field,  including WHO. Recent publications include Ready for IELTS with a Teacher's Book, IELTS Introduction and Focus on IELTS skills series published by Macmillan.
Sam now devotes his time to writing and teaching academic English and ESP via video-conferencing. He is currently working on several publications. His interests are methodology in IELTS and ESP
Reading skills relevant for EAP and the academic reading component of IELTS

Reading skills relevant for EAP and the academic reading component of IELTS

The talk will look at the type of texts and skills that students need to read competently in their academic studies and show how preparation for the academic reading component of IELTS requires identical reading skills. The talk will also look at identifying the most important reading skills that students need to be taught while preparing for IELTS and discuss some teaching strategies to enable them to do so.

Место проведения: Институт международных образовательных программ Санкт-Петербургского политехнического университета Петра Великого
Адрес: Гражданский пр, 28 А, 16 корпус (вход в здание во дворе за главным корпусом), 2 этаж, конференц-зал
Время встречи: 10.00 - 11.30 (просьба прийти за 30 мин. до начала лекции)

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