
Семинар. Uncovering CPD: Teacher Training vs Teacher Development

15 марта

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Издательство «Макмиллан» (Великобритания) приглашает вас принять участие в семинаре: Uncovering CPD: Teacher Training vs Teacher Development

Семинар проводит Liam James Tyler, Macmillan Teacher Trainer, the DOS of International Professional Training.

According to Adrian Underhill, teacher development is the process of becoming the best teacher one is able to be, a process that can be started but never finished. In order to understand the concept of Continuous Professional Development (CPD), we will look at the differences between Teacher Training and Teacher Development to work out the possible ways in which we can face the problem of developing self-confidence and our teaching abilities. The session will deal with strategies and approaches that can lead to more effective professional development.

Начало мероприятия в 16.00.

Место проведения: Британский Совет
Адрес: Москва, ул. Николоямская, д. 1 (левое крыло)

Регистрация для участия в семинаре на сайте www.macmillan.ru

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