
The Child’s Language Journey: From Reception, to Production, to Communication

25 ноября

Language is crucial to a young child’s development, for communicating, for building relationships and for making sense of the world. As Loris Malaguzzi said, “There are infinite ways that children can express, explore and connect their thoughts, feelings and imaginings.” In this webinar, we’ll follow this beautiful journey, and look at ways we can help and support children in acquiring a rich and diverse language skill set. By using age appropriate input and careful scaffolding, we can strengthen children’s spoken output bringing them confidence and autonomy.

Начало первой сессии в 10:00 Europe/London time 25 ноября 2021 года  reg-button-21w.png
Начало второй сессии в 14:00 Europe/London time 25 ноября 2021 года  reg-button-21w.png
Начало третьей сессии в 21:30 Europe/London time 25 ноября 2021 года  reg-button-21w.png

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 Lucy-Crichton.png   Lucy Crichton graduated in Drama, Art and Design and Teaching English as a Foreign Language. She has been a teacher for 28 years and during that time have also been involved in teacher training. She writes for the primary classroom and these projects have taken me to countries in South America, Europe and Asia.  Lucy is the founder of The Secret Garden English School in Florianopolis, where she teaches children and teenagers with a focus on living the language through practical projects, music art, drama, gardening and cooking. Brazil is her adopted home.