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Max Science Primary


Discovering through enquiry.

Ignite scientific-enquiry, teach critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration and independent learning through a vibrant and stimulating approach to primary science.

Written by a highly experienced team of authors with a shared philosophy of learning grounded in world-leading science education research and global, leading methodologies.

Max Science primary – Discovering through Enquiry features:

•  100% match to the Cambridge Primary Science Curriculum Framework (stages 1 – 6).
•  Integrates and clearly identifies the skills of scientific enquiry and critical thinking.
•  All materials are international in content, flexible and adaptable for all global regions.
•  There is English language support across all the resources to support teachers and learners whose first language may not be English.
•  As part of the Macmillan Education International Curriculum ‘Promise’, the course includes:
•  continuous assessment
•  school-home journal
•  easy-to-use digital components
•  tools for independent learning
•  full teacher support including professional development.


Student Books 1-6

Written and designed by leading science educators, these books form the basis for active, enquiry-based classroom learning:
•  In full colour throughout
•  In line with the requirements for the Cambridge Primary Science curriculum framework.
•  Each topic is introduced through engaging activities designed to stimulate creative scientific thinking.
•  Whole class teaching is focused on firmly embedding the concepts through active individual, pair and group activities and carefully scaffolded learning.
•  Units end with checklists and consolidation sections to ensure learners understand the key concepts.

Workbooks 1-6

Workbooks are designed for extended practice and consolidation in class or at home:
•  Learners are able to express and record the development of their scientific thinking through carefully thought out games, quizzes questions and activities.
•  Pages are clearly cross-referenced with the corresponding stage in the Student Books.

Journals 1-6

The Journals provide a unique way to engage parents in their child’s learning as well as providing the opportunity for reflective practice. They are packed full of:
•  Engaging practical activities that not only back up the scientific concepts introduced in the classroom but also show how science is all around us all the time.


Teacher’s Guide 1-6

The Teacher’s Guide comes with full support to help teachers plan and deliver active, engaging and productive lessons, offering:
•  Guidance on assessment and di­fferentiation.
•  A section on potential scientific language challenges students may face in each topic.
•  Full answers to all activities are also provided.

Teacher’s Presentation Kit 1-6

The Teacher’s Presentation Kit o­ffers
•  a suite of easy-to-use materials for interactive whiteboards or projectors
•  a digital version of the Student Book enhanced with scientific language activities for front of class teaching
•  A packed resource centre full of activity sheets that can be downloaded and printed
•  Word cards and audio glossary for scientific vocabulary learning
•  Teacher’s notes and full answers for all activities.

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05.11.2019 |  London
Developing differentiation in the science classroom

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