Конференция. Effective Strategies for Teaching English in the University
27 января

Издательство «Макмиллан»
Факультет гуманитарных и социальных наук РУДН
В программе конференции примут участие:
Olga Gusakovskaya – Macmillan Teacher Trainer (Eastern Europe)
Галанина Наталия Ивановна – ведущий методист издательства «Макмиллан»
Программа конференции
10.30–11.00 | Регистрация. Выставка-продажа учебной литературы | |
11.00–11.20 | Открытие | |
11.20–12.10 |
Olga Gusakovskaya Making Your Tasks ‘Tasky’ – on getting meaning and form to go in one direction |
We can’t but admit that in-class production differs from real-life speaking in many ways. Inevitably formal in character, classroom environment has both strengths and weaknesses. The trend towards ‘the more authentic – the better’ has had its reflection in home recording, live listening, real-plays, to name the least. During the session we are going to consider whether everything we do in class is ‘a task’, debate the characteristics of effective classroom tasks as well as reflect on the ways of adding real world application to various classroom activities. |
12.10–12.40 |
Перерыв |
12.40–13.10 |
Галанина Наталия Ивановна «Интеграция электронных ресурсов в образовательный процесс в вузе» |
13.10–14.00 |
Olga Gusakovskaya Grammar Building Blocks |
Being of highly practical character, this session gives the audience a few insights into the ways of making grammar tasks Authentic, Goal-oriented, Meaningful, Adaptive and Themed. The above is backed up by the recent theoretical and technological trends in ELT world and further shows 7-10 exciting hands-on foolproof activities on grammar material elicitation, introduction, drilling and recycling. The session GRAMMAR BUILDING BLOCKS consists of three parts. In the first part it touches upon impossible to be underestimated recent changes in some English language grammar structures usage. It also gives quite a few practical hints on how to promote learner autonomy and encourage usage of the most recent easily accessed technological applications. The second and main part of the session consists of 7-10 highly practical activities I am going to show and ask the audience to actively participate in. The activities take into consideration different learning styles and learner types and will cater for visual, kinesthetic and auditory learners. In the third part of the session the audience is going to eventually embark on revision by assessing and ‘voting’ for each activity taking the element of lesson staging as its systematization. |
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Место проведения: РУДН, Факультет гуманитарных и социальных наук, актовый зал
Адрес: Москва, ул. Миклухо-Маклая, д. 10, корп. 2
Проезд: м. Юго-западная (маршрутное такси №196, 226, 259, 261, 718, 752), м. Беляево (маршрутное такси №261, 752) до остановки "Медицинский факультет" или 10-15 минут пешком
Все участники конференции получат информационные материалы и электронные сертификаты.
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