Вебинар. Topics: the way into language | Оксфорд
4 апреля
Wednesday, 4 April 2012 from 15:00 to 16:00 (GMT)
Topics - The way into language
Pretty much every coursebook and every lesson includes a topic, but it seems to me that it isn’t the topic that is chosen first but the language focus – usually defined in terms of grammar or functional language. Once this has been decided, then a suitable topic is picked where the author or teacher thinks the language will be exemplified. To my mind this is the wrong way round, upside down, back-to-front. What should come first is the topic!
In real-life when we decide to read something, talk to someone, watch something on TV, etc., we don’t start by asking ourselves what language we will be exposed to or need, we start from the topic. It is something we’re interested in, want to know more about, talk about, etc. The choice of vocabulary and grammar comes out from the topic – not the other way around.
In this webinar, we’ll look at an approach where the topic drives the language and where our way into language is through the topic. Instead of the topic being the vehicle carrying the language, the topic is at the centre of everything.
Join me for a fairly topical interactive webinar.
Adrian Tennant
I have been involved in ELT for over twenty years and I now divide my time between writing, teaching and running teacher training courses and workshops around the world. I love travelling, and having the opportunity to work with teachers in lots of different countries is a joy. In the past few years I’ve been fortunate enough to work in a variety of countries and contexts including in Nepal, Malaysia, China, Azerbaijan, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Serbia, Burkina Faso, India and Sri Lanka.
As a writer I’ve worked on a wide range of courses for Macmillan. Most recently on the e-workbooks for Global as well as on Straight Forward, New Inspiration and Attitude and the e-material for the Language Practice series. In 2010 I spent much of my time writing over 100 test worksheets for the Macmillan Readers. These can be downloaded from the Readers website. I regularly contribute to onestopenglish writing everything from methodology articles to podcast materials.
In my free time I like reading (travel books and crime novels), swimming and cooking, but usually not at the same time!
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