
ELT Upgrade: Practices and Innovations

26 января 10:00


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Plenary Speakers



Афанасьева Елена Александровна - зав.кафедрой ИЯ Петербургского государственного университета путей сообщения императора Александра I 

alan pulverness

Unreliable Narrators and Hidden Agendas: developing critical reading skills

One of the key principles of Communicative Language Teaching is the use of authentic texts. However, texts are all too often presented in a contextual vacuum as neutral and unproblematic. Students are rarely encouraged to interrogate texts, to consider the identity of the writer, the context of publication or the intended readership. If texts are only made to serve as vehicles for testing comprehension, we risk neglecting attitude, implication and sub-text

Alan Pulverness - Academic Director, Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE) and Course Leader for the NILE TEFL Delta Modules

Grzegorz Spiewak 

How to maximize impact of language teaching – and make learning visible?

In these times of ever increasing pressure on maximizing effectiveness, often understood rather narrowly as students’ test scores, it is becoming more and more urgent to seek teaching strategies that can make significant difference, really and truly. That’s just what this session aims to achieve. In particular, we’ll look at how to prepare an impactful class, how to begin it, how to carry it out and how to evaluate its impact on our learners. Can you afford not to know how …?!

Grzegorz Spiewak - MA in Linguistics, Ph.D in English & Linguistics, the president of IATEFL Poland


St Petersburg University Cases


Forming XXI century skills by writing assignments in Global/Open Mind

Тимофеева Алена Борисовна - старший преподаватель СПбГУ, факультет свободных наук и искусств



Distance learning for teaching ESP

Ростовцева Светлана Андреевна - старший преподаватель СПбГУПС



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The venue

Петербургский государственный университет путей сообщения имени императора Александра I


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