

28 марта 10:00

XVI Macmillan Spring Conference


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10:00 - 10:30    Регистрация
10:30 - 14:00    Мероприятие

Conference Speakers


What Works … with younger learners in the English classroom?

This session will focus on 6 – 10 year olds. At this age children can’t see the «usefulness» of learning a different language but are rather motivated by the content of the lesson and the activities they are doing. We will look at some activities that work well in the younger learner classroom and draw from these two key principles for helping our children become successful language learners. Some examples will come from Academy Stars, a major new course series for young learners.

Becoming good readers … in English

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body» (Addison) and most teachers would agree on the importance of developing reading with children. When it comes to reading in a foreign language, the challenges become greater! We need to encourage children to transfer and develop the skills and strategies they use in their own language at the same time as increasing their knowledge of the new one … and enjoying this experience at the same time!

Jane Cadwallader is experienced in teaching English to children and has run courses for primary teachers in CPRs and for the British Council.


Bringing Life Skills to life!

The basic concept of teaching Life Skills is simple - that our responsibility as educators is not only to help our students to learn English but also to prepare them for the challenges of life in the 21st Century. This talk will look at why the teaching of Life Skills is so important for teenagers, which life skills our students really need in the 21st Century, and, arguably the most important question and the one that concerns teachers the most, how we can actually incorporate the teaching of Life Skills into our day-to-day classes. To this end, the talk will include a variety of practical activities, approaches and teaching materials, including examples from Gateway 2nd Edition.

After studying languages at Oxford University, David Spencer trained to be a Secondary School teacher. He then moved to Spain where he has been living and teaching ever since. He continues to teach teenage students every day in a school near Madrid. Dave began writing courses for Macmillan in 1994. His latest series is the 2nd Edition of Gateway, a highly successful multi-level course designed to prepare teenage students for exams and life after school. Dave has given talks to teachers in over twenty countries.


ЕГЭ 2017 vs ЕГЭ 2016 (видеовыступление)

Мария Валерьевна Вербицкая - д. ф. н., профессор, автор бестселлера Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia

Organised by


The venue

Институт международных образовательных программ Санкт-Петербургского государственного политехнического университета (конференц-зал)


г. Санкт-Петербург, Гражданский пр. 28, конференц-зал, 2 этаж, ауд. 220
Проезд: ст. метро «Академическая», далее 10 минут пешком
Вход в здание строго по паспорту.

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