
Macmillan Advancing Learning е-Days

26 марта
27 марта

мероприятие завершено

Уважаемые коллеги,

Ежегодная весенняя онлайн-конференция Macmillan Advancing Learning e-Days 2019 - это

•    два дня, наполненные новыми методическими трендами и идеями в преподавании английского языка;
•    восемь спикеров, которые поделятся опытом в областях, где они по праву являются профессионалами;
•    актуальные темы: CLIL, Alternative assessment, Gamification, Teaching Grammar to YL, Creative Writing with YL, Teaching towards Exam.

Conference Speakers

26 марта 2019 года



12.00 - 12.05

Наталия Галанина,

Ведущий методист издательства «Макмиллан»

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Let's Make a Book! Creative Writing with YL Through Picture Books

What can be more inspiring for a child than to create their own book in a foreign language?
In this session, we will discuss how to develop a picture book you read in class into a creative writing project.

12.05 - 12.35

Екатерина Сташевская,

EFL teacher and teacher trainer, educational games designer, founder of PRO English Online EFL Teacher Community (over 30 000 members), organizer of PRO English Online Conference and 10 Minute Talks, founder of Britannica School.


Can we really teach grammar to young children?

This presentation explores how to present and practise grammar in ways that are manageable, meaningful and motivating for younger learners.

12.35 - 13.05

Stuart Cochrane,

Author of Macmillan Primary Grammar 2nd edition

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Использование учебного пособия Optimise при подготовке к государственным экзаменам

В рамках онлайн конференции мы обсудим интеграцию и использование учебных пособий Optimise при подготовке к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ.

13.05 - 13.35

Антон Рымарев,

Академический директор школы "Лондон Экспресс" г. Пятигорск / Руководитель кембриджского экзаменационного центра RU177


Macmillan Practice Online in Use

This presentation explores how to use the new edition of the Macmillan Practice Online website as both a student and teacher.

13.35 - 14.05

Alex Hough,

Macmillan Digital Executive

27 марта 2019 года
* запись выступлений этого дня конференции доступна только участникам программы Macmillan Teacher Plus в методической библиотеке



12.00 - 12.05

Наталия Галанина,

Ведущий методист издательства «Макмиллан»

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Using CLIL in ELT classes: exploring the relevance of Content and Language Integrated Learning for English Language Teaching

This talk will explore how the principles and characteristics of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) might be relevant to ELT. Rather than focus on so-called ‘soft’ or language-led CLIL as the most useful way of CLILing up English language lessons, the talk instead seeks to examine how ‘hard’ CLIL, in which the learning is led by the subject content, draws on principles that can be important as well for language teachers. The aim will be to adapt certain CLIL concepts to an ELT context: this will include considering design principles for teaching and learning materials, ways to approach the sequencing of learning, and approaches to developing higher order thinking within ELT lessons.

12.05 - 12.35

Jason Skeet,

Dr. Jason Skeet is responsible for leading on and coordinating all academic aspects of the NILE MA in Professional Development for Language Education. Jason has worked as a consultant and trainer in CLIL at Utrecht University providing advice and training for bilingual schools throughout The Netherlands. He has also taught on the university's UTEACH Master's Programme for bilingual and international school teachers.

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Gamifying homework

How can we get students to use their smartphones to keep on learning out of class? We look at some free web tools, and consider how to integrate them into a school-wide gamified system. This helps to structure and motivate students' independent learning, and complement a classroom-based course.

12.35 - 13.05

Edward Evans,

PhD, CELTA, Delta, CELTA trainer, Director of Studies at BKC-IH Moscow. Edward has been teaching students of all ages in Moscow since 2006. His interests include teacher development and investigating online tools.


Or not to test?!

Any language teacher knows that students hate traditional tests. And that testing has come under massive attack in recent years.  This said, we also know that a typical learner does want to know whether s/he is making any progress. How can we reconcile all of this? What alternatives have we got? Are such alternatives time-consuming and difficult to orchestrate – or can they actually make our workload lighter? Come along to find out, and to sample some tried-and-tested alternative testing and assessment techniques, tricks, and lifehacks.

13.05 - 13.45

Grzegorz Śpiewak,

Head ELT Consultant, Macmillan Central & Eastern Europe

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